5-Lobe Pin Premium Security Screws

To meet the ever increasing demand for higher security, we have developed the premium 5-Lobe Pin Security option. This has a unique drive and offers enhanced security, reliability and life being made from AISI-316 Grade of stainless steel. These are available in Button and Countersunk heads, with Machine and Self-Tapping threads

5-Lobe Pin Premium Security Machine Screws

5-Lobe Pin Button Head Machine Screws

5-Lobe Countersunk (CSK) Head Machine Screws

These screws give premium security while providing a flush finish

5-Lobe Pin Premium Security Self-Tapping Screws

5-Lobe Pin Security Screws are also available in Self-Tapping threads. Send us your enquiry for the same

5-Lobe BIT

Made from tempered steel the special 5-lobe pin bit is the perfect complement to the 5-lobe screw and provides the right tool for installation and removal of 5-lobe screws.

Watch Installation Video below